Monday, February 28, 2011

Fun, Random Facts About Mrs. S.

My favorite color is green but I love red too. Or is it, my favorite color is red but I love green too? I never can exactly remember!
My favorite books as a kid were Little Bear, Pierre, The Foot Book and Anne of Green Gables.
My favorite books to read to my class are King Bidgood's in the Bathtub, Chrysanthemum, and any Junie B. Jones book.
My favorite candy is Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.
My favorite flower is a daisy.
I am teaching in the same classroom that I went to Kindergarten in.  My Teacher was Mrs. Jones.

I live on a farm with pigs and lots of cows.
I love to sing.
I love to take pictures and would like to take children's photos on the side someday.
I would like to write and publish a children's book.
I love the smell of lemons.
I was 5 foot 2 inches tall in the fifth grade.  I am still 5 foot 2 inches tall.
My kids think I am crazy. :) and embarrassing.

Other than my home family, my school family is my life!

Bitten by the Blog Bug!

I have to admit - I have been lurking around several (which quickly turned into many) blogs lately.  Most are education related.  These blogs are Awesome! Beautiful! Helpful! And.... Intimidating.  How can I create a blog that even begins to offer what these offer? These teachers are obviously talented and very computer savvy!  Could I ever create a blog as wonderful as these?

My mouse arrow has lingered over the "create blog" button for the last three or so days - not sure if I should give it a click.  Finally I decided to give it a try.  What do I have to lose?  So here goes, my first blog entry.  I decided that there might be one or two things I could share.  I will have to learn as I go along.  I have no idea how to post and entry (I assume I will know as soon as I finish this one!).  I do not know how to link a document.  I do not know how to add a picture.  I DO know that I am willing to learn how to complete all of these steps.  I DO know that there are some wonderful people/teachers out there who share their items and ideas on a daily basis and I want to do that to. (I'm not sure about the daily basis part but I can try!) I DO know that just creating this post has been exciting and I can't wait to actually see it on the web.

So, here goes!  I guess I better learn how to post now!