Sunday, June 26, 2011

Smartboard Game Freebie

Here is another game for those with Smartboards.  It goes along with Ch. 5 of Debbie Diller's book, Math Workstations.  Hope you can use it!

Piggy Penny

Smartboard Math Game Freebie

I created this Smartboard math game to go with Debbie Diller's book, Math Work Stations.  Hope it is useful to you!

Plus 1, Plus 2

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

State Shout Out

Primary Connections is having a state shout out! 
Join in!
I'm in Missouri - Where are you?

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Blog Stalking Linky Party

How in the world can I choose just a few blogs to talk about?  They are all so wonderful!  As I contemplated this question I realized that I now follow 62 blogs.  I think I am addicted. 

Any-hoo... I do have a few blogs that make me do a little happy dance when I see they have added a new post.
Mrs. Lee's Kindergarten - always has great center ideas.
Kindergarten Crayons - I can only say wow! She has great ideas and shares so much!
Ladybug's Teacher Files - awesome ideas on how to make your blog better!
Mrs. Wills' Kindergarten - fellow Missourian and one smart lady!  Her ideas and tpt items are great.
Mrs. Patton's Patch - so good at sharing!
1st Grade with Mrs. Snowden - wonderful ideas!
The next few blogs have awesome TPT stores.  I wish I had half the creativity that these ladies have!
Fabulous in First
Mrs. Jump's Class
Rowdy in First Grade
First Grade Parade.

There are just too many blogs to mention - so I will stop here!  Sorry if I missed you - I really do think everyone is wonderful!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Smartboard or Traditional Calendar Wall

Oceans of Fun asked what we prefer to use the Smartboard or a traditional calendar wall.  I believe both are useful!  I use my smartboard to chart the weather, do my daily/weekly poetry, do a few songs, and complete our daily math problem.  I use a traditional calendar wall to keep track of the number of days, money to match the days, our 100's chart, days of the week, and months of the year.  I do this because I think it is important for them to reference these throughout the day. I use my smartboard for soooo much that it is often in use and the students can't reference it as needed. 

I recently had my projector burn up and I was extremely glad that I had, what I consider, the important stuff on a traditional wall.  It took several weeks to get a new one - and it was a loaner. 

I do not use the calendar notebooks - but I may have to start!

What about you? Which do you prefer?

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I Won!

I just won a give away from Kreative in Kinder!  So excited!  Thanks for having a give away Crystal!  If you have not visited her site, do so now!

Monday, June 13, 2011

A Few Of My Favorite Things

I don't know about you, but I have Julie Andrews singing in my head right now! 

I am linking up with Little Miss Kindergarten to list a few of my favorite things.  I don't believe I have any rhyme or reason to the following list, I'm just typing as they come to my head!

1. Mason jars.  I love old Mason canning jars.  The older the better.  I have an entire shelf full in my kitchen and they sit in various spots throughout my house.
2.  Daisies.  I love this flower.  It is so sweet and innocent.
3.  Pedicures.  I don't get these often enough!  I just love having someone else take care of my tootsies!
4.  Kindergarten Randomness I love the little random things my kiddos say to me or to each other every day!  For example: Overheard from one little girl to another: " I think I'll go to Toledo.  That's where all the good stuff happens" or Overheard from one little boy to another while picking up their art center: "I can clean this room easy, I've been working out."
5.  My kiddos' softball games.  I am really intense when I watch these.  I really struggle to carry on a conversation with the other moms - I am way into watching and yelling!
6.  Blogging - way addicted.  Way, way, way, addicted.
7.  Front Porches.  I love to sit on a comfy, old farm house style front porch.  I envy those with the old-style wrap around porches.
8.  Children's Books.  I am addicted to great kid books.  Scholastic has way too much of my money!  I need to buy stock.
9.  Scrapbooking and photography.  These two go hand in hand.  I just wish I had more time for both.
10.  Sharpie markers.  I'm not sure why I think I need 30+ pens, but apparently I do.  Funny thing is, I have every color, but I use blue the most.
11. The color green.  Especially lime green lately.

I could do this all night.  I better stop there!

Just wanted to share!

If you have a smartboard in your room here are a few activities to use.  I enjoy making things for the smartboard and I hope to share more. Maybe when my kiddos' softball schedule slows down I'll be able to do that!

Vowel Sound Bingo

How Much Does It Cost?

Short Vowel Sort

Letter Sort

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Math Work Station Board

This is the math station board I plan on using.  I pull the board up on the smartboard and the kids check where they are going.  If I need the board as a station I will just reduce the workboard to the toolbar.  I use a similar system for Literacy stations and it works great.  Whatcha think?

You will need smart notebook to open this.

Math Work Station Board.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Daily Schedule for 2011-2012

This is an update of a post I did in June.  I am linking it up with Simply 2nd Resources.  Hope it is useful to someone!

Typing that heading gave me a bit of a start!  2012? Is it really going to be the 2011-2012 school year?  It just seems like the other day I was getting used to writing '00' instead of '99'!  Anyway, I digress...

I decided to link up with Growing Kinders to share my daily schedule.  This really got me thinking about my schedule and if it works for the kids.  I decided it did not.  Click below to see my changes and why.

Daily Schedule: 2011-2012

Don't forget to link up with Growing Kinders and show us your schedule!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Math Workstations Chapters 1-3

So I have been reading the book, Math Workstations by Debbie Diller.  Boy do I have a lot of work ahead of me!  I know that I need to:

Chapter 1:  Truly clarify to myself what a math workstation is.  I think I have a handle on this.  I like a quote from the book that says, "Math stations are for reinforcement and extention of concepts already taught."  Though this quote is not in chapter one I thought it summed things up nicely.

Chapter 2:  Organize, organize and organize!  I need to go thru all of my manipulatives, games etc.., consolidate and purge!  Hard but necessary.

Chapter 3:  Time to get started!  This chapter is where I really started to take notes!  I think I wrote the words "model, model, model" at least 10 times!  This chapter really helped me see the 'station progression'.  I really like the math talk card idea. I look forward to making these.  I guess with K I will be drawing a lot of pictures in the beginning!  Better brush up on my art skills!  The 'I Can' labels are awesome.  I can't wait to take the pics for these and use them in each station.  I assume I can take the pics while I have kids demonstrate how to use these appropriately during our station mini lesson time. 

On page 58 a question was asked: " Should kids write something at every station? Where should they put their work?" This immediately got me thinking about how to best allow the kiddos to represent their thinking.  What if I gave each child a three pronged, 2 pocket folder.  In the prongs I will put 3-5 sheets for me to record my observations.  This will allow me to keep track of notes I keep on each child and I don't have to find the last note I took - it is right there in front of me. ( I do this in their Writer's Workshop folder and it works great.) The pockets will be for their work station sheet(s) where they record their learning.  I will keep these sheets available in each station if needed and in a separate basket for them to grab as needed.  The students will take their folder with them to each station.  This will allow me to jot notes as I observe them or when they visit with me.  Having the folder also gives the kids a place to put their finished record sheet, as well as function as a makeshift "clipboard" for those times they are surveying one another etc...  Whadda ya think? Will it work?  Here are the record sheets if interested!

Math work station student record sheet

Math work station teacher record/observation sheet

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

How Do I Link a Smartboard File?

Does anyone know how to do this?  I am going to attempt it here.  If any of you have smart technology downloaded on your computer would you let me know if this opens?


Short Vowel Sort

Monday, June 6, 2011

Desks vs. Tables

I am joining up with Ladybug's Teacher Files to discuss:

Update: the tables are from jonti craft)
Can't you just picture those words said in dramatic fashion as if you were at a pro wrestling type event?  No? Just me?  Must be the awesome summer sun!

Anyway,  I have used both tables and desks.  My opinion is tables are WAAAY better than desks.  They don't move around much and can be used during my station times without others feeling as territorial as they seemed to when using desks.  I do feel that you also have to have the right size of table.  I have had tables that are too big and they take up too much valuable floor space.  I have had tables that are too small and the kiddos are bumping elbows all day.  The tables I am using this year are great.  They have a 2 cubbies under each side and one on each end.  

The students put their poetry, handwriting, math, reading and writer's workshop folders in there.  NOTHING ELSE!  (I do periodic checks on this!)  Scissors and glue are passed out and collected as needed.  Each child has a cup they keep their 8 basic crayons in and a glue stick. A pencil goes thru the straw hole.  I usually go to Applebees or Ruby Tuesdays and ask for a class supply of cups.  These have to be the sturdier ones with lids.  I used to get them from Pizza Hut and Fazzolis - but they have started using cheaper cups that bend easily. I use these in place of boxes.  It saves room and if they drop on the floor they don't explode like the boxes.  Name tags were an issue but I purchased ones from Really Good stuff last year.  These were sticky all across the back and a bit smaller than others.  I just used rubbing alcohol to remove and change names. 

All that being said, I do usually keep a few extra desks in my room.  Occasionally I will have a student who can't handle being in such close proximity to others.  I will then put their desk up against one end of the table.  This gives them a bit more personal space, but doesn't exclude them.  

That's it on my room.  Whadd-a-ya think?