Sunday, August 28, 2011
I'm on the Diving Board - Just Afraid to Jump In!!
Ok. I took part in the book study. I downloaded all of the resources. I want to do this. But I am afraid to jump in!! I'm talking about Math Workstations - the Debbie Diller way. The past few years I had math stations but, other than the kiddos working with me in small group, the students did the same activity or game. There was not a lot of choice in the matter. For some reason the Debbie Diller way is overwhelming me! I think it might be the fact that I am finding it hard to fit it all in to my allotted time slot. It just doesn't seem to be enough time to do a lesson and work stations. How are all of you wonderful teachers out there fitting it all in? How are you teaching how to use each station AND do a lesson, AND math workbook pages? (Not sure if I can somehow get by with not using the workbook.) How are you creative people coming up with enough stations for each kiddo to use? I do this for literacy stations all the time! Why is is so hard for math!?! Help me everyone! I need that extra nudge to get me off this diving board!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Where is Happens Wednesday
Ok. I know it is really Thursday, but yesterday was a bit crazy and left me no time to blog. I did snap some pics today. I cringed a bit when took pics of my table - but that is the reality of my classroom right now. I just don't have the time to take care of my table when I am dealing with new kiddos (and boy do I have a few to take care of!) Anyway, on to the pics! (quality isn't great - I was just in a hurry! Sorry!)
So, that is it. Thanks for looking around!
My bulletin board outside my room. |
View from my door. This isn't a great pic because the chairs are up, but I wanted you to be able to see the whole room. |
This is my writing spot. The green baskets are some of my leveled book baskets. |
My reading corner. All the buckets have labels that match the labels in the books. |
Our mailboxes. My sweet hubby made these 15 years ago. They have traveled to three different schools and up and down several flights of stairs - many times. (They are heavy!) |
A closer view of my fireplace. The colorful squares will be for our friends and family pictures. |
One of my focus walls. I couldn't get this one to turn around for some reason! Sorry! |
Monday, August 22, 2011
Meet the Teacher Monday
I am so excited to link up to Blog Hoppin' for Meet the Teacher Monday! So, Here goes....
Tell us a little something about you:
Something about me... Hmmm. Well I love daisies, the color green, I can't stand wiggling, loose teeth, I love Mnt. Dew, I have 4 kiddos of my own, I live on a farm and I secretly want to publish my children's books but don't know how.
How long have you been teaching?:
This is my 15th year teaching. I originally started in a classroom with 5th and 6th graders - talk about puberty issues! I then moved to second grade for 6 years. Loved it! I never thought I wanted to teach any other grade level. Then I was asked to do the Kindergarten class and, *oh my stars*, I couldn't believe it, but I loved it more than second grade! :) It soooo fits my personality! I can be crazy and they think it is great! I've been there ever since.
You might not know:
You might not know that I never wanted to be a teacher. People my whole life had been telling me what a great teacher I would make someday (probably because I was bossy). I was adamant that I did not want to teach! One day during my senior year of high school, after feeling a lot of pressure from counselors, teachers, parents, etc..., I remember putting my head down and silently praying to God, asking Him what I needed to do. The answer came to me immidiately - You need to be a teacher. Whoa. Really? It then occurred to me that He was right! (like He is ever wrong). I never looked back after that and I know it was one of the best decisions I ever made.
What are you looking most forward to this school year?
I am most looking forward to implementing Math Workstations the right way, learning about each of my new K kiddos and getting to know all of our new teachers! (btw - somehow with all of these new, young teachers moving in, I somehow became one of the older teachers! How did that happen!!:)
What do you need to improve?:
I need to improve my implementation of Math Work stations (I said I was looking forward to it - not good at it!) I need to improve my communication from myself to my team - I just had too many years of being a one-man band. I have a great team though and they will keep me accountable! I want to better organize my Reader's workshop. I feel like I do this fairly well - like I hit all the main points - but I want to really lay it out and have a yearly plan.
What teaching supplies can you not live without?
I can NOT live without sharpie markers, sticky notes, my computer, fun fonts, my Smartboard, my chartstand on wheels, Scholastic (we need an addicts group started for Scholastic addicts), and this great big old blog world!
That's about it! Hop on over to Blog Hoppin' and link up with your info!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Morning Calendar Routine - Smartboard style!
This is no longer available. I would love to share it, but the file is so big neither of my servers (home or school) will send it as an attachment. Sorry!
I have finished re-vamping my morning calendar routine in Smartboard format. The file is too big to put in google docs - but I am happy to share! Leave my your e-mail and I will send you a copy. I hope this is something you can use! Here are a few pictures:

It has songs attached too. I'm not sure if the songs will transfer but I can show you how to re-link them if it doesn't go thru.
P.S. If it doesn't show up right away don't panic - I've been having a few difficulties with my internet lately. That's what I get for living in the boonies!
I have finished re-vamping my morning calendar routine in Smartboard format. The file is too big to put in google docs - but I am happy to share! Leave my your e-mail and I will send you a copy. I hope this is something you can use! Here are a few pictures:
It has songs attached too. I'm not sure if the songs will transfer but I can show you how to re-link them if it doesn't go thru.
P.S. If it doesn't show up right away don't panic - I've been having a few difficulties with my internet lately. That's what I get for living in the boonies!
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