O.K. On to the rules:
1st. Thank the person who nominated you.
So, Many thanks go to
These ladies felt like I deserved this award and I so appreciate it!
2. Tell 7 things about yourself.
OoohKayyy.... What to tell you. Hmmm.
1. I have 4 kids. 3 girls and a boy.
2. I love hot tamale candies.
3. My favorite color is green. or maybe it is red. or turquoise. I just can't decide some days!
4. I spend waaaayyy too much time on blogs according to my husband.
5. I live on a farm with lots of cows.
6. I am learning how to drive a tractor. My husband finally insisted. Watch out world (or cows)!
7. I have been teaching for 15 years.
3. Pass this on to 15 newly discovered blogs and let them know about their award!
O.K. This is hard. I have a few newly discovered blogs, but not many. Soooo, I'm gonna cheat a bit. I will list a few new blogs and then list the ones I hit the most.
A few new:
1. A Place Called Kindergarten
2. A Teacher's Touch
3. Climbing the Monkey Bars
4. Echoes of the Creator
A few I follow most:
5. A Teeny Tiny Teacher
6. Eberhart's Explorers
7. KinderGals
8. Kindergarten Crayons
9. Lil' Country Kindergarten
10. Live, Love, Love Everyday in Kindergarten
11. Mrs. Lee's Kindergarten
12. Mrs. Patton's Patch
13. Mrs. Will's Kindergarten
14. Rowdy in First Grade
15. Teacher Bits and Bobs
Whewwww! Thats it! Thanks again!