Sunday, March 13, 2011

Linky Party!

Always in First Grade is hosting a linking party.  This one is to share our classroom photos.  I have a few from the beginning of the year that I can share.  If I find any more I will post them later!

This is a view of my room from the front door. 

This is taken from the back part of the room facing toward the front door.  You can see my word wall, storage drawers and front closet.
This is also taken from the back part of the room.  This gives you a better view of my fireplace. Yes, I said fireplace.  It is not a working one and as far as I know it never has been.  The building was built in the 1940's and this has always been the Kindergarten room.  I have a feeling it was added to feel homey. When I attended K in this room the shelves next to the fireplace were enclosed with glass doors. Wish I knew where those were!  The bins are each student's book bin.  They keep their current GR book in there along with other leveled books they choose.
This is my Writing Spot. I have a polka dot theme in my room and all of my stations (centers) are called some type of 'spot'.  This is looking in from the front door.
This is my Reading Spot.  All of my books are labeled by type.  The students match the label in the book to the label on the bin to make sure the books get back where they belong.  Most of my labels came from Jessica Meacham's website.  If you visit her site be prepared to stay awhile - she is awesome!
This is My Spot.  This is where I hold GR groups and math groups.  This is also functioning as my desk.  I did not have enough room in my classroom for my desk and all of the station (center) areas I needed.  I really haven't even missed it that much! On the shelves are my guided reading supplies.  I have 2 three drawer crates that have a drawer for each group. These hold books we are working on and my notes.
This is my Poetry Spot and my mailboxes.  My awesome hubby made these for me 14 years ago.  They have traveled to 3 different schools and to 4 different classrooms. (Up and down several flights of stairs he wants me to add!) They are huge but I wouldn't trade them for the world!
I have more recently started to do my poetry on my smartboard.  This allows me to make the poems more interactive and also to link to relevant web sites where the kids can explore.
This is my student meeting area.  I LOVE my carpet.  It is so much better than what was in here before!  The yellow is a bit hard to keep clean, but I manage!
We meet here for everything, Reader's workshop, Writer's workshop, Smartboard use, Morning meeting, Station time (centers) ....  The blue shelves to the left are two shelves back to back.  One side has math stations the other has literacy stations stored.  You can also see my Smartboard.  I recently found out that it is very hard to live without my Smartboard.  My projector went out and I was left without one for a period of time.  It felt so lost! 
This is the last picture I could find.  It is of our calendar wall.  I have considered putting this info. in a smartboard file, but after having lost the use of my board for awhile I am glad I haven't done that yet.  I may some day, but for now the kiddos really love manipulating everything in this area.

That's it!  That is my room!


  1. Maybe I should explain the cups on the tables. I use these in place of pencil boxes. The students put one box of crayons and a glue stick in their cup. (I have a class set of scissors I pass out as needed.) Their pencil goes thru the straw hole. I got tired of pencil boxes falling on the floor and popping open. If my K kiddos have their lids on their cups they rarely pop open when they hit the floor. The cups were donated by a local restaurant. Another bonus - fewer pencils dropping on the floor. Which means fewer pencils needing to be sharpened!

  2. Classroom looks great! I think it is awesome that you are teaching in the same classroom you went to Kindergarten in. I have to tell you there are so many times when I talk to parents and they tell me their child goes to west and I say "oh my sister in one of the Kindergarten teachers there!" I ALWAYS get "oh that is who my child goes to or went to and we LOVE/LOVED her!!" oh and "you sound just like her" LOL.

  3. Thanks for joining the fun. You have a great room. I love your meeting area. You have a nice rug! Your reading spot is awesome. I'm sure the kids love to visit and read.

    Mrs. Ibarra

    Always First Grade

  4. Your room seems so big! That is great! :) I really like all of your different spots. I too use my GR table for my desk and it is working greatly! Thanks for sharing picture! Check out my blog if you get a chance!

    Mrs. Thompson
    Adventures In Teaching

  5. Mrs. Ibarra and Mrs. Thompson,
    Thanks for taking the time to make a comment on my blog! I am new to the blogging world and it is exciting to receive comments!

    Mrs. T - I will check your blog out next! I hope the table keeps working for you. I seldom miss my desk.
    Mrs. I - My kids love my reading area! I have kept it in this spot for 4 years now and it works perfectly. The shelves holding my book tubs are the same shelves that held toys when I attended K in this room. Times sure have changed!

  6. I love your K room and think it is great that you are teaching in the same room you went to Kindergarten in.

  7. Your room is so cute!! Love your theme!!
