Sunday, May 15, 2011

Farm Fun

Like many of you I can been up to my eyeballs in end of year assessments!  I just haven't had time to post anything!  So I am forcing myself to sit down and at least post some pics of our farm unit.  The kiddos had a great time learning about various farm animals and recording their learning.  I love to see what they can accomplish at this point in the year!

We first read a book on farm animals.  I used these from Scholastic. It is a series of five books.

We then decided on what information was important and recorded it.  

Next the kiddos chose a few facts to add to their farm fact book.  I put an image up on the smartboard from the book and the kids used it to draw and label a picture of that animal.  Many of these ideas are adapted from other, wonderful teacher bloggers out there.  Thank you Mrs. Wills, Mrs. Jump and Mrs. Lee!  Your ideas make me a better teacher!

It was amazing how quiet and focused the kiddos were completing their page each day! 

Now all that is left is Solar System, Dinosaurs and end of the year items!  Almost finished!

1 comment:

  1. Those pictures reminded me of the Holly Hobby picture you drew in Kindergarten. Great project for the kids.
