Thursday, July 28, 2011

One Last Weekend

I am heading out with the family for one last family weekend before the craziness of preparing for school starts.  To be honest I would have been back in my room, like many of you this past week, if I hadn't heard that my room had not been touched yet!  Bummer in some ways - but great in others!  I was given one more pressure-free week with my kids. Just knowing that I needed to get into my room but couldn't let me feel quite guilt free!  I will be nose to the grind stone next week though - until then I am going to enjoy this last week all that I can!

By the way, have you been over to see Maggie at Maggie's Kinder Corner?  She has great ideas and great giveaways!  I just won some of the cutest math calendar pages from her.  Check her out if you haven't already!

I don't think I can bring my laptop along (my husband might be jealous) so I'll see you Monday!


  1. Enjoy your time before your wonderful ones come! Btw, I'm a new follower :-)

    Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

  2. We don't start school until the first week of September in NJ, so I can't even get into my classroom until August 25!!! But like you said, there's less pressure because you have to wait!
    Miss B, Busy Bee
