Thursday, October 18, 2012

What We've Been Up To

So... it is a challenging year to say the least.  But I am up for a challenge!  (Kinda gotta be, I guess!)  Lately we have focused on fire safety, scarecrows and Fall.  Here are some charts we have made together.  Each kiddo has their own sheet to fill out as we work together.  I can't wait until we start sharing the pen - but for right now I will write for them.  Here are some pics of our charts:

Here are a few pics of my darlings building and illustrating their predictable sentences on scarecrows.

So that's what is going on in our neck of the woods!  On to pumpkins and Monsters!


  1. Love your fire safety anchor charts! It's a tough year for me too. Took all I had to be cheerful about fire safety today!
    Rowdy in First Grade

  2. Hi Jennifer!

    You gotta love Pinterest! That is where most of my chart ideas come from. In rare moments I have a stroke of genius and come up with my own - but most are "borrowed" from others. You know us teachers! Hope your year goes well. It is always tough when you start of a little rocky!
