Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sooooooo Random

Well, here it is.  The post that will include everything I have been doing from the get-go.  Who knew that I would be spending my nights re-working everything in order to ensure success for these kiddos?  It has been a lot of work and my blog has had to take a back seat to everything - but we will get there!  (Just FYI, I said that with gusto and emphasis!  I really am trying to convince myself!)  Anyhoo... on to the pics.  Now a good teacher would have remembered where she got ideas from, but I am sure I won't remember who or where. So, if something looks familiar to you and you want to claim yourself as giving me inspiration please just leave me a comment.  I would rather know and let the world know how great you are!

First up...

Name station - matching clothes pins to the letters in student's names.

Another name station - using bingo daubers to outline name.

Glitter webs, spiders from using our handprints, and our predictable sentences glued on.

Our boy/girl graph.  As of right now I have 13 boys and 7 girls.

Our apple tree graph.  I have used this one for some time now.  It is looking a little worn.  I may have to make a new one next year!

Our Alpha-bats.  This was done during our bat unit.  Each child had a bat sent home with a letter of the alphabet on it.  They were to find items from magazines etc.. that go with that letter to glue on it.

Our pumpkin life cycle page.  This one is mine.  Somehow I missed getting a pic of a student one. 

Found these on the internet somewhere (Kim Adsit?) and made one for each number up to 10.  The kids loved making these charts!
I have more, but I am having trouble uploading pics.  I will post again soon when I figure out what is going on!



1 Kim and Megan said...

The number posters did come from me! Thanks for sharing! I also made a packet on tpt tht has All About Number pages 1-10 and 11-20 for the children to record all about each number.

2 Tessa said...

Glad you confirmed that for me! I will have to check your packet out!

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