Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Seuss-tastic Week!

This has been our first five day week since I don't know when!  Our focus was on Dr. Seuss.  Like many of you, I think I have enough Seuss stuff to last a few weeks.  I often felt like I was running a race trying to fit it all in!  Here are a few of the things we did this week.

Monday was our silly socks day to go with the book, Fox in Socks.
Tuesday was dress in red or stripes to go with the book The Cat in the Hat.

Wednesday was dress wacky to go with the book Wacky Wednesday.
 Gotta love backwards overalls!

I had to join in on the fun too.  (Photo taken by a student!)
Thursday was dress in your pajamas day to go with the book, I Will Not Get Up Today.

Friday we wore shirts from places to go with the book, Oh The Places You Go.

A few other things we did this week are:
Complete a goldfish graph to go One Fish, Two Fish:
(I will remember who posted this great graph soon!  Right now my brain isn't cooperating!)
We also made green eggs and ham

The last thing we did was explore oobleck from the book, Bartholomew and the Oobleck.  The kids were amazed and disgusted all at once!

It was an exhausting week - but we had a great time!


1 comment:

1 Deanna said...

I'm magic - just like Dr. Seuss. It is only right that I am your first follower. You need to get yourself out there. You have a great blog.