Sunday, March 27, 2011

Weather, Water Cycle and Spring

Like many of you I had Spring break the week before last. Many of the items I am about to talk about I completed a couple of weeks ago and some were completed this week.  So, I'll just get to it!

I began with weather.  We read several weather related books over the week and completed several activities.  We completed a daily smartboard weather graph.  If I knew how to post it as a freebie I would.  I'm still working on learning how to do that.  My favorite activity was making our rain people.  The kiddos have to cut out the pieces and then write about what they would not splash or jump on.

The slip of paper at the bottom says: My big yellow boot can _____ in puddles, but not on my ______ or I'll be in trouble.

My kiddos love coming up with ideas for what they shouldn't splash or jump on!  This idea came from a fellow teacher.  (Thanks Carrie!)

Another one of our favorite activities is making water cycle bracelets.  Dummy me forgot to take pics, but I can try to explain it.  After reading a blurb out of our science book, discussing and mapping out what the water cycle looks like, each student gets a pipe cleaner and several beads.  They put the beads on in this order: white, light blue, dark blue, green, yellow, and clear.  White represents the clouds, light blue is for the rain, dark blue is for puddles, green is for the grass the puddles sit in, yellow is for the sun, and clear is for evaporation.  It is a cute way for them to remember the order!

We also had a kite day to welcome Spring!  The day we flew our 'kites' Spring had definitely come in like a lion!  I am so glad I decided to have the kiddos fly these when I did: 80 degrees on Monday and 30's by Friday!  Only in MO!  Anyway, I used my co-teacher's idea of taking wally-world, or Tar-jay style bags and turning them into kites.  It is soooo simple!  Take some streamers and staple them to the bottom of the bag. (I covered mine with a die cut of a flower).  Then take a string that is about a yard long and tie it through the handles of the bag.  Instant kite!  Look below at the fun my darlings had!

Love this one.  Look at her enjoying herself!

This is another of my favorites!

Our last activity was to discuss rainbows and how they are created.  After our discussion we made our Lucky Charms graph.  This awesome graph was posted by someone a few weeks ago.  I neglected to write down who it was so if anyone know just leave me a comment!  The kids enjoyed creating as much as eating!

 That's it!  My last few weeks in a not so little nutshell!  As a side note, I did not get to go anywhere spectacular over spring break.  I cleaned out closets and dressers and painted one of my daughter's room.  I was busy.  Going back to work was a blessing! ;)


1 comment:

1 Deanna said...

Those are great projects. It is definitely a good thing you did the kite one during our brief bout with nice weather.