Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Anchor charts and Classroom charts Galore!

Well I am home again.  This time my youngest daughter is sick.  We seem to be spreading this lovely stuff over weeks and months.  Anyway, she is asleep right now so I caught up on my blog-stalking and thought I'd post a few pics of my anchor charts and classroom charts.  So this is going to be very random - no rhyme or reason at all - just the pics I could find.  I hope my sharing will help someone out there because most of these were inspired by someone else, and those someone else-s have made me a better teacher!

Our newest anchor chart on re-telling.

Our Inferencing chart.

One of our weather charts.

We created this chart together by brainstorming describing words.  They then wrote their own poems using these words.
 I have posted most of these before but I can't remember which ones. So, here they are again!

 Here are a few more from some past units.  I just didn't get around to them at the time.  My class this year keeps me hoppin'!
Based on an investigation activity from Deanna Jump's America unit.

More describing words.  We taste tested popcorn and used our five senses to describe it.

I think this is based off of Mrs. Jump's page out of her Penguin unit.

Our snowman brace map.

Our student sheet to go with the snowman brace map.

More describing words.  This time we tasted and described hot chocolate!
That's it.  I hope there is something here that is helpful to you!



1 Jennyfer said...

I am LOVING your anchor charts! Thank you so much for sharing!


2 Unknown said...

Great charts!
First Grade Blue Skies

3 The Daily Alphabet said...

I'm so happy I found your blog today! I definitely love it, especially the connections and visualizing charts!

The Daily Alphabet

4 Rose said...

Love your charts

5 Tangelia C. said...

Thank you for sharing these anchor charts and for teaching me something new!

6 Tessa said...

Ya'll are too sweet!

7 Mrs. Andrews said...

Cute charts! I`m your 300th follower, Congrats!!

Kaleigh's Klassroom

8 Tessa said...

Yay Kaliegh! 300! Thanks for following me! I now follow you!

9 Unknown said...

I love anchor charts! You have a lot of great ideas here. =)


10 Heather's Heart said...

Your anchor charts are so cute! WOW! I wish I had just a little bit of your artistic talent!

Congratulations on reaching 300+ followers.

I would love for you to visit me when you get the chance! =)

Heather's Heart

11 Unknown said...

I am your newest follower =) I bubble letter LOVE your blog!! I love all the great ideas!
Check out my blog.


12 Vanessa said...

I love this anchor chart!!!!! I am your newest follower :)


13 The Teachers Korner said...

  Hi my name is Missy and I run . I just wanted to let you know that I selected you and a few others for "Blogs of the Week". So head over and check it out! 

14 Jessica said...

Love your charts! I am your newest follower:) Stop by and visit me...

15 Unknown said...

so many great charts! Thank you for sharing! I found you on TBA and I'm your newest follower.


16 Unknown said...

You are an awesome artist!! Man, I love all your people on your anchor charts. I am going to have to practice drawing people with the nose you use. SO CUTE!! I am your newest follower!! I am fairly new at this blogging thing and am trying to get better at it this summer. I would be so grateful if you came over to visit and followed me! Hope you're having a great day.

Anonymous said...


I'm an English teacher from Barcelona, Spain.

Your Anchor Charts are fantastic. I might use them with my kids.


18 summer breeze said...

I work with adult English Language Learners and will use your popcorn idea to encourage students to recognize and use adjectives! Thank you for sharing!